Physical Abuse Series:
Supervisory Neglect

Supervisory neglect, a prevalent but often misunderstood form of child maltreatment, refers to situations where caregivers fail to provide appropriate supervision, leaving children vulnerable to harm. This can range from leaving children unattended in dangerous environments to inadequate attention to their developmental needs. Recognizing and responding to supervisory neglect requires a multifaceted approach that accounts for the complex interplay of risk factors, including family dynamics, community resources, and societal influences. Studies highlight the chronic nature of supervisory neglect, which often goes unnoticed until a serious injury or fatality occurs.

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the definitional challenges that exist for the concept of neglect in general and how this extends to supervisory neglect.
  • Recognize the complex interplay of child, parental, familial, community, and societal factors which all contribute to the occurrence of neglect.
  • Identify clinical presentations that are concerning for supervisory neglect.
  • Recognize that the response to supervisory neglect requires a systemic, multi-level approach and understand your role in this response.

Developed in partnership with:
  • Shalon Nienow, MD
  • Sarah Vega, MD
  • Nancy Kellogg, MD, Senior Medical Editor


Authors, Contributors, and Reviewers