Medical Evaluation of
Child & Adolescent Sexual Abuse 2023/2024

Medical Evaluation of Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse: Abridged Version is a 2-hour condensed version of the full (20 CE) module for those requiring an accelerated introduction.

The purpose of the Abridged Version is to introduce the health care provider to basic principles and skills needed to assess a child or adolescent who is a suspected victim of sexual abuse. Once a suspicion is confirmed, the patient can be referred for a complete investigation and assessment if resources are available.

Key topics introduced in the Abridged Version:
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Clinical Presentations
  • Medical History
  • Physical Examination
  • Forensic Evidence
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Interpretation of Findings

In partnership with:
  • Nancy Kellogg, MD
  • Joyce Adams, MD
  • Jordan Greenbaum, MD

Authors, Contributors, and Reviewers